iOS Native
iOS NativeSwift Basics

Swift Basics

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language developed by Apple for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Designed to be easy to read and write, Swift offers a wide range of features that make it a go-to language for application development. This section aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Swift, covering everything from variables and data types to advanced topics like protocols and error handling.

Topics Covered

Variables and Constants

Understanding variables and constants in Swift.

Data Types

Exploring the different data types in Swift like Int, Double, String, and Bool.


Introduction to various operators for arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations.

Control Flow

Introduction to loops and conditionals.


How to define and call functions in Swift.


Understanding optional values and safely unwrapping them.

Arrays and Dictionaries

Introduction to collection types like arrays and dictionaries.


How to use enums to group related values.

Structs and Classes

Understanding the difference between structs and classes, and when to use each.

Protocols and Extensions

Introduction to protocols for defining blueprints and extensions for adding functionalities.

Error Handling

How to handle errors using try, catch, and throw.

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